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The Ko Lab

Welcome to the Ko Lab, my personal newsletter covering a variety of topics from leadership, business design, social impact, self-awareness, systems thinking, and philosophy. If that piques your curiosity, then please join the hundreds of other people on my monthly (ish) newsletter.

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Ko Lab #11 – Our Spheres of Influence

Ko Lab #11 – Our Spheres of Influence

I won't beat around the bush with this newsletter: The crisis in Ukraine is currently casting a pretty big shadow across our collective awareness. It's tough to ignore what's happening in the news or not to empathise with what the people on the ground are going...

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Proximity to Intent

Proximity to Intent

Let's begin with a quick exercise: Think of a friend you know deeply and personally. Now think of someone you know by name only, such as the CEO of your local banking institution. Now imagine these two people both said on LinkedIn: "Men and women are different." What...

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Ko Lab #9 – “Where did the time go?”

Ko Lab #9 – “Where did the time go?”

There goes January, hey? At this point, there's one of two things that I typically hear: "I don't know where the time went!" and "Xmas felt like it happened so long ago." For me, I have a strange sensation of feeling both – Xmas both feels like it was yesterday and...

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Ko Lab #7 – 2020-21 Year In Review: Finding Purpose

Ko Lab #7 – 2020-21 Year In Review: Finding Purpose

Happy new year! Hope you had a fantastic end to 2021 and that ringing in 2022 has brought some level of joy, whether that was with family and friend or - in my case - early nights, big sleep-ins, and having no expectations on myself for a few days. I just published my...

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