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Proximity to Intent

Let’s begin with a quick exercise: Think of a friend you know deeply and personally. Now think of someone you know by name only, such as the CEO of your local banking institution. Now imagine these two people both said on LinkedIn: “Men and women are...

Can we build resilience without adversity?

As of 5 October 2021, Melbourne (Australia) will officially be the city that’s endured the world’s longest lockdown. This hasn’t been easy for many folks; livelihoods are severely disrupted, social norms have been inextricably altered, and the impact...

Why I started ColourSpace

I recently published a white paper that explores the various facets, nuances, and interpretations of what it means to be ‘purpose-driven’, how it applies in business, whether we’re becoming more purpose-driven, etc. I learned an incredible amount...

We live in a solutions world

Has this ever happened to you: You were talking to someone about a problem you’re experiencing. Then, before you have a chance to finish, they chime in with: “You know what you need to do?” or: “Oh I have just the answer for you.” Or for...

How managing a successful team is like baking sourdough

Right when the COVID-19 lockdown began and stockpiling panic was reaching fever pitch, I went out in search of flour and returned with a 12.5kg sack. I’m not proud of it, and I have racked up a hefty ‘dough-debt’ to pay off once the gyms re-open. But...