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Ko Lab #21 – What if we stopped seeking leadership

Hey everyone, when I published my last Ko Lab, I was embarking on a round-the-world trip. Over the past couple of months, I travelled to London, Stockholm, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. I had a couple of goals on my trip. First, I wanted to see the world again; to...

Ko Lab #20 – New adventures and a True North addendum

Well the cat’s out of the bag! If you follow me on LinkedIn, you may have seen that I have moved on from Leadership Victoria. It is without question one of the most formative experiences I’ve had, especially for someone whose career has admittedly been...

Ko Lab #19 – A deep dive on finding our true north

Well it’s been a hot minute since I last wrote some words! I’ll go into why in later Ko Labs but suffice to say there’s been ‘a lot’ on my plate, which perhaps makes this deep dive quite relevant. This year, life has pulled me in many...

Ko Lab #18 – 2022 Year In Review – Finding Limits

In the blink of an eye, 2022 is behind us and we’re faced with the opportunity to consider the potential of a new year. As with last year, I like to use this transition period to reflect on the year that was and to consider what it is I want to take into 2023....

Ko Lab #17 – Rethinking Theory of Change

I’m back! It’s been 3 months since the last Ko Lab, which was written en route to Bali for a long overdue break. Though it was a short holiday, I deliberately kept the pause button on the Ko Lab because I wanted to give myself space to reflect on where...