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Ko Lab #7 – 2020-21 Year In Review: Finding Purpose

Happy new year! Hope you had a fantastic end to 2021 and that ringing in 2022 has brought some level of joy, whether that was with family and friend or – in my case – early nights, big sleep-ins, and having no expectations on myself for a few days. I just...


In July 2020, Melbourne (Australia) re-entered into Stage 3 lockdown, followed soon after by an even more stringent Stage 4 lockdown that saw people confined not just to their homes, but to a strict 5km radius. Naturally, this kicked everyone in the teeth. Businesses,...

Chapter 1 – What does ‘purpose-driven’ really mean?

I’ve always been fascinated by how our personal conception of different words strongly influences how we perceive the world (i.e. phenomenology). Just as two people can talk about the same topic whilst using completely different words, the same words can also...

Chapter 3 – Demonstrating purpose

In the previous chapter, I explored whether people felt we were becoming more ‘purpose-driven’ both as individuals and as businesses. By and large the broad consensus was ‘yes’, in spite of the barriers identified. We ended that chapter however on one...